Skyline IT Services is careful to keep clients’ data secure by using industry best practices and ongoing efforts to stay current with the sophisticated tactics of hackers today.  This article provides some helpful tips to keep your digital information private.

1     Use Strong Passwords & Change Regularly – Make sure all devices have a password protected login.  Use strong passwords that are at least eight characters in length and include capitals, numbers, and non-alpha numeric characters. Do not use the same password in multiple places and do not use easily guessed passwords. All passwords should be reset periodically, if anything at least annually.

2     Use caution when emailing sensitive information – Sensitive information may include SSN, account information or credit card numbers.  Always encrypt or password-protect attachments containing sensitive information and never send this information embedded in the body of email.  Additionally, never text message personal information.

3     Familiarize yourself with the remote wipe feature on your devicesRemote wipe is the ability to clear all your personal information from an electronic device.  Most devices have this capability and it is best to learn how to implement this feature before you need it.

4     Monitor your credit – Each year you are entitled to one free credit report from each credit agency.  This information can be requested at and should be reviewed no less than annually.  Watch for any unusual credit activity, such as unusual charges, new accounts, new inquiries, or address changes all of which will help you to identify any fraudulent activity.  To ensure you can easily contest any fraudulent activity, it is recommended to review activity monthly.  Credit card fraud typically must be detected within 60 days to ensure you will not be responsible for the charge.  Some credit card companies now offer alerting services to notify you when any suspicious activity occurs.  There is also credit monitoring services like Lifelock available for a fee.

5     Do not use Public Wi-Fi – The local coffee shop or airport cannot guarantee you are protected.  These public Wi-Fi hotspots are common hotspots for hackers; avoid at all cost.

6     Use caution with online banking – Be cautious when performing any online banking via your phone or computer.  Ensure you are on the banks website and on a secure network.  Only download from a reputable application store and read its privacy policy.

Advances in technology have brought us many great tools and efficiencies in our day to day lives.  Along with these efficiencies has also brought opportunities for cyber criminals to gain access to our information.  By implementing some of the tips mentioned above, you will make it that much harder for your digital information to be compromised.  But remember hackers are always changing their tactics so staying vigilant is key.