Skyline IT Services is an essential critical infrastructure company that has remained open throughout the Covid-19 pandemic to provide critical IT support to our clients. This has allowed our clients to continue to operate either from home or in their place of business if they too were categorized as essential. Skyline IT Services serves clients across a broad spectrum of industries, from city infrastructure to healthcare providers and community support organizations. Additionally, we support a wide range of professional service firms. As most of these firms are considered non-essential, Skyline IT Services seamlessly moved or assisted with moving them from their office into a “work from home” format.
Currently on the market there are many password manager programs. Sure, you can use the “Website & App Passwords” feature on an iPhone, but not everyone has an iPhone. Web browsers offer to save passwords, but it is not safe. Web browsers do not encrypt passwords and rely on the built-in security of your computer.
The following password manager apps are the top two that I found to be ultimately secure and user friendly. We will examine some of the pros and cons of each.

In the early days of the Covid-19 crisis and before the WHO declared the outbreak to be a pandemic on March 11, 2020 Christopher Shaw, Skyline IT Services CEO saw the crisis to be a global disruption that would have a severe local impact and had already begun to prepare the company for mitigating measures. By mid-March a company-wide daily morning huddle was implemented to check on the health of employees and discuss the rapidly changing environment, regulations and requirements from clients and health officials. When Gavin Newsom gave stay-at-home orders on March 19th Skyline IT Services had already reached out proactively and worked with clients to allow them to work from home in addition to putting in place infrastructure and procedures so that our employees could work from home.
As the pandemic progressed into April and it was clear that the County of San Diego health officials were going to keep San Diego on lock-down through April and into May, Skyline IT Services evolved it’s work procedures and protocols to match those presented by the CDC and the County of San Diego health officials.
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to change daily the way we do business as do the requirements given by health officials. Skyline IT Services monitors daily the State and local health briefings for any changes and make the necessary adjustments. Our goal is to keep our employees and clients safe by mitigating risk as presented by our health officials while providing the critical IT Support our clients need to operate their businesses.
Be well, be safe.
The Skyline IT Services Team.